Gradle plugin for building Java based web applications with Vaadin.
Easily to use project and component templates for Java, Groovy or Kotlin
The plugin provides tasks that allows you to quickly and easily create new projects and components on all the major JVM languages today. The plugin automatically determines with what language you are working on based on included Gradle plugins and creates the correct sources files for that project.
Gradle dependency management and IDE support
By using Gradle you gain all the features provided by a fully fledged dependency management system for your Vaadin projects. Along with full autocomplete support for Intellij IDEA this makes a perfect fit for fast Java web app development.
Local development with hot deploy
The plugin integrates seamlessly with the Gretty plugin and Spring Boot to provide an easy way to run the project locally while developing.
Support for Spring Boot
The plugin integrates with the Spring Boot Gradle integration and allows you to quickly and easily create Spring Boot projects.
Support for compiling your code to Javascript
By toggling a property the plugin can automatically transpile (convert to Javscript) your client side code.
Support for Bower/Yarn/Npm client side dependencies
The plugin allows you to easily and transparently include Javascript dependencies in your build in the same way as you include you java dependencies.
Open Source Community approved
Open Source and under a permissive Creative Commons software license.